Dates are valuable reminders. Markers of beginnings and endings, tracking the passage of time. They provide checks and balances… how much of yesterday’s dream stands actualized today.
True both for a business and our individual lives, we mustn’t stop recounting the ways in which we have transformed. Every business begins with a story; a story that can celebrate the milestones, learn from the losses and recount the change, the impact and the achievement.
23 February 2019 is our date. It was on this day that Tentmakers Pty Ltd trading as Greenroom Strategic (GRS) was incorporated, making us 4 years old today. We’ve come some way from what started as an idea in a meeting room in an industrial space in Fyshwick ACT, to a collective of experts and world changers doing their thing in Defence, Industry, Non-Profit and the private sector.
But how do we measure success? I’m sure, hidden in the dark recesses of the subconscious mind of our founders, are the standard measures ($$, ‘partners’, bums on seats et al.) but, thankfully, they also look beyond the numbers to quantify success in some other really important areas.
Hang around with us long enough, and you’ll start to hear a common language amongst our Team, as we discuss things like GRS values; an agreed list of descriptors that we have adopted into our culture, as the foundation upon which we build and grow:
We strategise the passage of making these values become our virtues and how we integrate this into not only our professional lives but also our personal lives. That’s worth celebrating.
We discuss the importance of balance, play, and looking beyond our own needs. That’s worth celebrating.
We gather as a whole team, regularly, to catch up, encourage and celebrate each other, and meet new team members. That’s worth celebrating.
We give our time and financial resources to charities, that are dedicated to doing real work in areas of greatest need. That’s worth celebrating.
We communicate, openly and honestly, about personal and professional aspirations, concerns, opportunities, and areas of improvement. That’s worth celebrating.
We cultivate a culture that embraces a diverse skill set that can (mostly) fearlessly stare down complex problems. That’s worth celebrating.
And finally, we’ve only just begun. In 12 months from now, 2 years from now, and 10 years from now; we can’t wait to look back on these dates to measure how far we’ve come. We’re a growing and good story; may you be too.